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USDA Loans

USDA loans on Cape Cod are no longer going to be available to the towns of Barnstable, Bourne, Dennis, Falmouth, Harwich, Mashpee, Sandwich and Yarmouth. This change, according to the mortgage rep that gave us the information, is going to take place on February 28, so there is still time, but not much.

There are a lot of sites that state they are the “official” site, but this is the “real one”:

USDA loans are great for those that qualify.  The one issue I have seen come up is that the appraisal is a much more in depth process and becomes something of an inspection.  Here is a document outlining some of the guidelines:

Any repairs found, under the USDA guidelines, by the home inspector, pest inspector or appraiser will, typically have to be completed prior to closing. Because of this process, USDA loans are not ideal for homes that need quite a bit of work.

If you have questions concerning USDA loans give us a call.  We can put you in touch with a mortgage representative who is knowledgeable about them.