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Septics on Cape Cod

One of the first questions we get asked by buyers when visiting property is “What about the septic?” Massachusetts has created the Massachusetts Title 5 code 310 CMR 15.000 to create a standard for towns to abide by.

Most towns on Cape Cod do not have extensive sewerage systems so properties rely on independent septic systems. Certain towns still allow cesspools to meet Title V certification, but by in large, most towns require an updated system with a septic tank, distribution box and leaching field. This type of system can take many shapes and forms, but the purpose is to provide for the protection of public health, safety, welfare, and the environment by requiring the proper siting, construction upgrade, and maintenance of on-site sewage disposal systems and appropriate means for the transport and disposal of septage.

New residential systems on Cape Cod can be fairly expensive so knowing: 1. has the existing system passed or failed Title V inspection, 2. who is going to be responsible for the repair or replacement, 3. how much will it cost and 4. where and how will it be installed. Offers must be structured so these questions are answered well before closing.

Typically, residential system inspections are good for two (2) years and in many cases the seller will have had the inspection completed in the early part of marketing so the information is available to potential buyers. If a system fails the seller will often take responsibility for the repair or replacement, but not always. If a system must be replaced an engineer will be hired to diagram the septic plan to meet the town’s septic code. Once the engineered plan has been submitted and approved by the Board of Health, bids are received from installers. Installation generally takes a couple of days for a simple system.

This is a fairly simplified explanantion of septics and we always recommend contacting the local Board of Health for information and/or a Cape Cod septic professional.

If you have any questions give our Team a call, 508-258-9010 and we will answer them as well as we can.